Sprawdź nasz kalendarz i weź udział w naszych przyszłych webinarach, a także uzyskaj dostęp do nagrań i dodatkowych materiałów. Często dostępnych jest siedem opcji językowych. Skontaktuj się z nami, jeśli potrzebujesz konkretnych materiałów lub masz jakiekolwiek pytania.


TikTok Webinar with TERRITORY Influence

#November: Unlock your Ads' Full Potential with Influencer Marketing

Do you make sure to let your advertising work to its full potential? With data from the latest media reaction report by Kantar and in-depth case studies, we show you how influencer marketing can offer an effective way to reach consumers where they want to.

TikTok Webinar with TERRITORY Influence

#September: Skill up with Pinterest

How can brands benefit from the ROI of Pinterest and Return on Inspiration they need? How can creators help turn ideas into action? In Collaboration with Pinterest.

TikTok Webinar with TERRITORY Influence

#June: TikTok for Marketers | Learn from Consumers & Creators

How can brands leverage the „edutainment” trend on TikTok? We surveyed 33,000 Europeans and turned their insights into practical marketing tips. In Collaboration with London Research.

M2M Webinar

#April: The Best Practices of Influencer Marketing

Edition N°2 to get the keys-to-success for collaborating with nano, micro, macro and/or star influencers. The summary of #M2M (Marketers to Marketers) discussions across Europe and 6 concrete case studies.


2022 Influencer Marketing Trends

#December: 2022 Influencer Marketing Trends

Let our influencer experts guide you through the 5 most important social trends, challenged by 52,500+ insights from consumers, and completed with a live testimonial from a content creator.

Open Eyes Economy Summit 2021

#November: Open Eyes Economy Summit 2021

Rafael Schwarz, Executive Director at TERRITORY Influence, was part of an inspirational round table about „Robbing Or Saving? The Cultural Impact of Streaming” for the Music industry.

CMO Digital Summit 2021

#October: CMO Digital Summit 2021

Sense check your approach with likeminded industry experts, sharing insight on business-critical challenges and disruptive technology and drive your industry forward collaboratively.

Territory Influence x Talkwalker Webinar

#September: The Best Practices of Influencer Marketing

Get the keys-to-success for collaborating with content and conversation creators by entering our #M2M (Marketers to Marketers) discussions based on concrete case studies.

Territory Influence x Talkwalker Webinar

#June: It's a Match! How to Become a Love Brand?

Understand how certain brands adopted the „new normal” and became true love brands with the help of influencers. In collaboration with Talkwalker, social listening partner.

Territory x FUTR Europe 2021

#May: Influencer Marketing | Gateway to Insights & Data

Discover how brands can work with influencers to fuel data capture, improve (re)targeting, lower digital CPM, optimize DTC models, and collect consumer insights. Conference from FUTR Europe 2021.

Territory Influence x IRI Webinar

#April: Nano Influence | 4€ ROI with Zero Followers

Find out how to effectively boost sales and measure the impact of offline peer-to-peer recommendations. In collaboration with our IRI partner, one of the original innovators in big data.

Territory Influence i Macromedia University

#Luty: Survival Guide - Social Media i Influencerzy

Poznaj nową typologię influencerów opartą na wartości oraz wskazówki, które pozwolą Ci zmaksymalizować wyniki kampanii. Wynik badania przeprowadzonego przez Macromedia University z udziałem 46 000 Nano, Micro, Macro influencerów.


Webinar we współpracy z Kantarem

#Listopad: 2021 Influencer Marketing Strategies

Jak wykorzystać długoterminowy wpływ nano, mikro, makro i star influencerów na budowanie marki? We współpracy z Kantarem.

Webinar z gominga

#Sierpień: The Power of Ratings & Reviews

Jak generować i zarządzać ocenami oraz recenzjami online dla Twojej marki? We współpracy z firmą gominga – ekspertem e-commerce.

Webinar z Grupą TERRITORY

#Czerwiec: Recovery Society

Jak będzie wyglądał świat po pandemii? Odkryj nasze 11 tez, które zostały postawione przez ponad 37 000 konsumentów w całej Europie.

Covid19 Webinar

#Kwiecień: Badanie Covid-19

Jakie są skutki dla konsumentów i marek w Europie?