Case Study

In France, we leveraged our expertise to assist the brand Caprice des Dieux in attracting new consumers during the Valentine’s Day peak season Our objective was to recruit them by informing them about various ways to use the products through delicious recipes and introducing them to complementary products within the range, highlighting the unique features of each.

Selection of 1,000 nano influencers

Within our TRND community, we selected 1,000 nano influencers from 8,000 received applications to participate in the campaign. We carefully chose individuals who have an affinity for cheese and incorporate its consumption into their daily habits, enjoying guilt-free moments of pleasure.

Each influencer received a generous box containing several products: Caprice des Dieux 200g, Mini Caprice des Dieux, and Caprice des Anges. Over 3 weeks, we guided them through one-on-one dialogue and inspired them with various challenges to create quality content to share on their social networks: preparing an appetizer platter, crafting a Caprice heart, and replicating a special Valentine’s Day recipe.

Delectable content

The involvement of influencers led to the creation of over 3,200 pieces of content, mostly published on Instagram, generating a total of 3,481,865 online impressions. The three products melted the hearts of the selected ambassadors, with a recommendation rate of 99.9% and an average purchase intention of 98% by the end of the campaign. Excellent product ratings were awarded to each cheese, with an average of 4.8/5 for the Caprice des Dieux brand.

The highlighting of the flagship Valentine’s Day event contributed to amplifying word-of-mouth and online content creation, fostering the resounding success of this campaign.

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influencer marketing campaign example
Food influencer marketing campaign
Food influencer marketing example
recruiting new consumers

Online Impressions

Offline Impressions


Recommendation Rate


Purchase Intention

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