Case Study
Tetesept laktase
The brand Tetesept wanted to raise more awareness in Germany for their product, which helps dealing with lactose intolerance called “Laktase 2.500 Flex”. The brand belongs to Merz Lifecare, a provider of high-quality and innovative products for different target groups that supports a healthy life. Tetesept is a pharmaceutical company which develops health and beauty products with the help of pharmacists.
1.200 lactose intolerant nanos spread the word
To raise the awareness we created a campaign that includes valuable recommendations from consumers to consumers. The best possible way to generate personal recommendations in a massive while also effective way is a nano influencer campaign. Our goal was to select 1.200 people from our platform who suffer from lactose intolerance. Also half of those participants shouldn´t be familiar with the products. Each of the nanos received a package with the Laktase 2.500 Flex pills, which were in a perfect size for taking them to go and an individual dosing possibility.
93% recommendation rate for Laktase 2.500 Flex pills
The results are remarkable! With regular surveys we could gather interesting consumer insights. For example over 90% were conviced by the immediate effect of the lactose mini pills and found them to be very helpful in they everyday lifes. The product received 6.3 out of 7 points in the general product evaluation, ranking “individual dosage” as the most positive aspect. Those are very valuable insights for the brand to evaluate their product. 93% of the people recommend the product and we have gained an offline reach of 198.000, which means that many people spread the word about it.
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