Case Study

We activated 3.000 consumers in Italy to help Mutti increase awareness and reputation of their range of Pesto products: Verde, Rosso and Arancione. The project included product education and the generation of product trials and consumers’ recommendations both online and offline.


3,000 potential consumers were specifically selected

The 3.000 food lovers already consumed ready sauce every week, but 78% didn’t know Pesto Mutti before the project. After educating them about the products, we invited all to try the products and share their experience with their followers online, but also with friends and family offline.


In their social media, mainly in Instagram and Facebook, they posted 5,739 contents with the hashtags #PestiDiPomodoroMutti and #MuttiPomodoro (doubling the campaign’s initial target). They described their experience with Pesto Mutti and some nano influencers even shared their recipes. By the end of the campaign, they managed to reach +7,5 million of potential brand impressions.


The power of offline reviews

Additionally, they organized more than 6,500 events with friends and family where they all tried the product. A total of 109,980 product trials were carried out. The offline impact reached up to more than 799,000 people, 78% of whom had never tried the product before. After tasting it, they claimed Pesto Mutti was better than its competitors’ product.

After concluding the project, the nano influencers rated the product with 8.5/10 and 95% stated they will recommend it. 89% also said they would buy Pesto Mutti after the campaign.


Scroll down to discover all the results achieved.

Nano influencers

Influencer Content

Potential brand impressions

Offline reach

Product trials