Case Study

Kiehl’s Skincare Product Awareness Campaign – A Resounding Success

In a strategic move to enhance the recognition and reputation of Kiehl’s skincare products, we launched a comprehensive campaign in the Czech and Slovakian markets. The campaign’s core strategy revolved around the creation of a significant online presence through genuine product experiences shared across various social media platforms.

Engagement of 800 Nano and Micro Influencers:

A meticulous selection process led to collaborations with 800 nano and micro influencers who displayed an authentic interest in the realm of beauty and skincare. These influencers were individuals deeply intertwined with urban life, a lifestyle that often has a direct impact on the condition of their skin. Moreover, they actively participated in their own networks and showed passionate involvement in various online communities.

Key Insights and Outcomes:

After an intensive two-week period involving product testing and hands-on experience, the results were overwhelmingly positive. A remarkable 97% of the influencers became enthusiastic advocates of Kiehl’s. They were genuinely convinced that Kiehl’s merges profound pharmaceutical expertise with the potent force of natural ingredients, resulting in remarkably effective skincare products.

Content Creation and Dissemination:

The enthusiasm and authenticity of their experiences were artfully conveyed through diverse content forms, primarily shared on Instagram and other popular social media platforms. This content ranged from in-depth product reviews, before-and-after visuals, to engaging personal stories about their skincare journeys with Kiehl’s. The campaign’s impact was substantial, as it resonated not only with the influencers’ followers but also with a wider audience eager to explore high-quality skincare solutions.


The Kiehl’s skincare product awareness campaign, driven by the insights and passion of 800 carefully chosen nano and micro influencers, achieved remarkable success. By focusing on authentic product experiences and leveraging the power of social media, we were able to create a substantial online presence and garner enthusiastic support for Kiehl’s skincare products. This case study serves as a testament to the effectiveness of such influencer-driven strategies in today’s digital landscape.


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TERRITORY Influence_Skincare Product Awareness Campaign
TERRITORY Influence_Skincare Product Awareness Campaign
TERRITORY Influence_Skincare Product Awareness Campaign

Purchase Intention

Online Reach


Product Referral

Influencer Content