Discover 2024 key data about how to connect with Gen Z

Infographic - How to connect with Genz

Written by Barbara MUTANI

March 20, 2024

Who is Gen Z: the main characteristics

Generation Z, born roughly between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, is the generation succeeding Millennials and is often described as digital natives. Unlike any generation before them, Gen Z has grown up in an era dominated by technology, social media, and instant connectivity. They are characterized by their fluency in digital platforms, diverse perspectives, and a deep-rooted desire for authenticity. Understanding the values and behaviors of this generation is essential for businesses aiming to thrive in the digital age.

👉 We created an infographic with all the 2024 data a brand needs to know about Gen Z. Download it for free!

Gen Z’s favourite platforms and content

Visual appealing, concise, and engaging content tends to resonate most with Gen Z audiences. Gen Z’s preference for short-form content and live streaming should inform the creative approach of influencer campaigns. Whether through Instagram Stories, TikTok videos, or YouTube vlogs, brands should leverage the power of multimedia content to capture the attention and imagination of Gen Z consumers.

Gen Z favourite platforms 2024

Why brands need to connect with Gen Z

Gen Z represents a significant consumer base with a growing purchasing power. As they come of age, they are entering the workforce and becoming independent consumers, influencing household spending and shaping market trends. Brands that overlook Gen Z do so at their own risk, as this generation holds the key to future market growth and innovation. Moreover, Gen Z consumers are highly discerning and value-driven. They prioritize authenticity, social responsibility, and inclusivity in the brands they support. By aligning with these values, businesses can establish meaningful connections and build long-lasting brand loyalty among Gen Z consumers.

Infographic 2024 about Gen Z

How to engage with Gen Z through influencers

Influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for reaching Gen Z consumers in today’s digital landscape. Unlike traditional advertising, influencer marketing allows brands to leverage the trust and authenticity of influential personalities on social media platforms. Gen Z places immense trust in the opinions and recommendations of their favorite influencers, viewing them as relatable and authentic sources of information. By partnering with influencers who resonate with Gen Z’s values and interests, brands can effectively engage this demographic and drive brand awareness, consideration, and conversion.

Did you know?
91% of Gen Z search for a product or brand after seeing it on an Influencer’s social media profile.

However, successful influencer marketing campaigns targeting Gen Z require more than just celebrity endorsements. Authenticity is paramount. Gen Z consumers can easily detect inauthenticity and are quick to disengage with brands that come across as insincere or opportunistic. Therefore, brands must carefully vet influencers to ensure their values align with those of Gen Z and that their content feels genuine and relatable.

👉 Click here to download the free infographic on Gen Z and discover all relevant data from 2024.


In conclusion, Gen Z represents a lucrative and influential demographic that brands cannot afford to ignore. By understanding their values, preferences, and digital behaviors, businesses can craft compelling marketing strategies that resonate with this generation. Influencer marketing, when executed authentically and creatively, offers a potent avenue for brands to connect with Gen Z consumers deeper, driving brand affinity and loyalty in the process.

Want to activate the Genz in your next campaign?