Nano Influencer Campaign – This is how we do it

TERRITORY nano influencer campaign

Written by Alina Bilan

March 26, 2024

Nano influencers, they seem small, might be overseen at times but they hold a lot of power

In influencer marketing we often talk about the so-called pyramid of influence, providing us with an overview of the four main types of influencers. We differ between nano, micro, macro and star influencers according to their visibility and reach on social media platforms.  

Since macro and star influencers have the highest number of followers, the first thought that comes to mind is that they must be the ultimate influencer type to promote your brand, right? However, this is not always the case. It has been proven that nano influencers are much more accessible and trustworthy to consumers than celebrities who seem far away from our everyday reality. But why? Nanos are consumers just like you and me with up to 1,000 followers on social media who like to share their experiences with products or services. 

Experts for nano influencer campaigns 

At TERRITORY Influence we are experts when it comes to nano influencer campaigns. Numerous case studies on our website attest to our ability to successfully implement nano influencer strategies across various industries, products, and for a broad spectrum of marketing goals. We are proficient in creating campaigns for traditional industries such as food and beauty, along with more sensitive items like women’s hygiene products, pet food, and pharmaceuticals. Our community boasts over 5 million members all over Europe, ensuring we have nano influencers suitable for every topic. We already feature an article on our website about collaborating with nano influencers. It outlines who nano influencers are, the reasons for partnering with them, and the goals you can achieve through such collaboration. 

In this article, we aim to delve deeper into the structure of these campaigns, detailing what goes into a successful nano influencer campaign with TERRITORY Influence. 

The seven steps of a nano influencer campaign  

Before activating a campaign, both the brand and our project management team must clearly outline the desired goals. These could encompass traditional objectives such as online and/or offline reach and brand awareness. They might also involve generating substantial user generated content, securing conversions, or generating ratings and reviews. Additionally, we can target the collection of first-party data, candid consumer feedback on the product, and a seal indicating a high recommendation rate as potential goals. This seal can also be integrated into the brand’s advertising efforts. 

Step 1: The invitation of suitable nano influencers 

After establishing our objectives, we will begin to invite suitable influencers. We initiate contact through personalized emails, inviting them to participate in the project. Simultaneously, we use our social media channels to generate further interest in the campaign. For every campaign, we design a microsite on our platform. This serves as a hub where nano influencers can learn more about the project, share photos, provide commentary, or read blog posts. 

Step 2: The nanos apply to the project by filling out a form 

Individuals interested in testing the product or service can register on the microsite by filling out a form. This allows us to select participants based not only on demographic information, but also on more specific criteria such as income, living situation, and online shopping habits. For instance, if a client’s product is specifically for people with dry skin who purchase their hygiene products in a pharmacy, we can precisely target those individuals. There is not one form but for every campaign we create one.  

Step 3: We select the perfect nano influencers 

Our campaigns typically involve between 200 and 3,000 participating nano influencers. However, some campaigns attract up to 10,000 applicants. Once the application period concludes, our project management team selects the most suitable candidates based on predetermined criteria discussed with the client. This ensures that only the right individuals receive the product. For instance, we wouldn’t select a self-declared vegan for a campaign promoting meat products. This goes also for campaigns that include the objective online reach, if someone says they don´t post on social media, they are not suitable.  

Step 4: The nanos receive the products and informations  

Once the participants are selected, we engage our shipping partner to send out packages containing the products and relevant information. Usually, we provide full-sized products to allow participants ample opportunity to truly experience the product, unlike one-time sampling. This is why our campaigns span several weeks. It provides the nano influencers with an opportunity to thoroughly engage with the product or service, fostering the formation of an authentic and informed opinion. 

Step 5: We activate them and help accomplishing their tasks 

Once the nano influencers receive the products and have had adequate time to test them, we encourage them to share their opinions. Depending on the previously agreed marketing goals, we motivate them to e.g. either post about their experiences on social media, share their insights with friends and family, or write and publish a review on a designated platform. 

Step 6: Gathering consumer insights and check if goals are reached 

As a campaign draws to a close, we begin gathering consumer insights. We ask the nano influencers to share their experiences, impressions of the product, and whether they would recommend it to friends and family. We can dig deeper, asking questions that aid the client in their product marketing strategy. For instance, we might ask if participants believe the price is justified, how the product compares to competitors, or if the influencers have any suggestions for improvement. Once participants have responded to all queries, we review the results to ensure all our goals have been met before preparing the final report. 

Step 7: Reporting 

At the conclusion of each campaign, we provide the client with a comprehensive report detailing the results. The report explains our measurement methodology and presents the outcomes. For example, we track the number of ratings and reviews written on each platform or the number of people impacted by the campaign who had the opportunity to try the products. Clients also receive data on the percentage of participants who would purchase the product again. If a seal was part of the campaign, the client can subsequently use it on their website, social media accounts, or in television advertisements. 

Nano influencer campaign recap  

In conclusion, the execution of a successful nano influencer campaign involves a series of well-orchestrated steps. The process begins with defining clear objectives, followed by selecting suitable influencers, and sending out products for them to experience firsthand. We then encourage the influencers to share their genuine opinions and insights. As the campaign concludes, we collect valuable consumer insights and ensure all objectives have been met. Our clients receive a comprehensive report detailing the campaign’s impact and outcomes. With TERRITORY Influence managing the process, our clients can confidently harness the power of nano influencers to drive their brand awareness and achieve their marketing goals. 

Are you interested in a nano campaign for your product? Contact us!