Why Brands Should Implement A Cross-Platform Strategy?

Why should brands implement cross-platform strategy?

Written by Barbara MUTANI

January 16, 2024

Today we continue analysing influencer marketing trends for 2024. Last time we talked about fostering brand communities, while today we will look at why cross-platform content has become so important for brand strategy. 

No longer confined to the boundaries of a single platform, the influence of social media has become a dynamic force that transcends individual channels. This transformative era emphasizes the importance of a cohesive, cross-platform content strategy to maximize impact and create a seamless brand experience across various online spaces.

1. Why will brands’ approach be holistic in 2024?

In influencer marketing, the traditional focus on specific platforms like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok is evolving. With audiences diversifying their online presence, brands must adapt their strategies accordingly. The holistic approach in 2024 recognizes that an influencer’s reach and influence extend far beyond a single platform. This shift underscores the need for brands to engage with influencers who have a multifaceted presence, ensuring that their impact resonates across various channels.

2. Benefits of a cross-platform strategy

The advantages of embracing a cross-platform content strategy are manifold. Firstly, it allows brands to achieve a broader reach by engaging influencers with a presence on multiple platforms, reaching a wider and more diverse audience. Secondly, a cross-platform approach enables influencers to tell a multi-dimensional story, leveraging the unique strengths of each platform. Lastly, a presence on various platforms enhances an influencer’s credibility, showcasing versatility and expertise across different content formats. As we explain in our latest eBook, these benefits collectively contribute to a more effective and impactful influencer marketing campaign.

 3. How to transform content for different platforms

Executing a successful cross-platform strategy requires a thoughtful approach to content creation. Brands should identify influencers with a multifaceted presence, ensuring they have successfully built an engaged and loyal audience across various social networks. The key lies in influencers conveying a consistent voice and message that resonates with their community, establishing credibility and authenticity. Tailoring content for each platform is crucial, considering the unique characteristics, strengths, and audience preferences of Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and other platforms. This tailored approach ensures better reception by the audience, maximizing the impact of influencer marketing campaigns.

 ➡️ Remember? We talked about the 7 ways to optimize your content strategy a while back. Download the free eBook on Content Inflation and find out if your brand already knows them!

 4. Why influencers are key for cross-platform content

In the era of cross-platform content, influencers play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between brands and diverse audiences. Brands should seek influencers who transcend the limitations of a single platform, reaching a broader and more diverse audience. These influencers can bring versatility and credibility, and they also convey a consistent brand message across various channels. The influencers’ ability to adapt content for different platforms and maintain a unified brand identity contributes to building trust and credibility, establishing a strong bond between the brand and the audience.

 📲 Find out how S.Oliver’s annual cross-platform strategy achieved 1.2 million impressions.


In conclusion, the 2024 trend of cross-platform content marks a strategic shift in the influencer marketing landscape. Brands that embrace a holistic approach, engage influencers with a multifaceted presence, tailor content for different platforms, and maintain consistency in brand messaging will undoubtedly lead the way in creating impactful and memorable online experiences.