Influencer Marketing: What Are The Winning Strategies to Embrace in 2024?

2023 Wrap Up: Winning Influencer Marketing Strategies for 2024

Written by Juliette Maumelat

January 23, 2024

Bye 2023: Winning Influencer Marketing Strategies for 2024

This article might give you some directions if you’re still reflecting on your New Year’s resolutions. It involves a retrospective look at the past year to identify successes and areas for improvement. The field of influencer marketing is no exception! To guide you in shaping your future strategies, TERRITORY Influence has analyzed the results of its 2023 influencer campaigns and presents five key insights to guide you throughout the year 2024.


UGC Must Be Used More Strategically

User-generated content (UGC) created and shared on social media by consumers is digital gold, a truly valuable asset. It showcases and discusses brands, products, or services, sparking genuine online word-of-mouth. However, the majority of brands do not fully exploit the potential of UGC. Its use is often limited to sharing on the company’s pages and its social media. Here are some examples to better leverage UGC:

  • Integrate UGC into public relations actions – Instead of using graphics or product images, why not enhance those created by your consumers? The result is more engaging and gives the message an authentic touch.
  • Enrich case studies with UGC. This type of content serves as a powerful social proof, allowing consumers to relate easily.
  • Use UGC to help educate other consumers on product usage and benefits through real experiences.
  • Choose the best UGC and let real consumers become the face of your brand campaign. Often, the perfect testimonial is hidden among consumers who may not be popular influencers but love the products and know exactly how to use them.

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The Right Mix of Influencers Enables Brands to Achieve Any Goal

Like a well-crafted recipe, influencer marketing is a perfect blend of several ingredients, especially when it comes to influencer selection. At TERRITORY Influence, we advise brands to seek a balance between different types of influencers for the same campaign and align brand objectives with the respective benefits of each type.

Nano, Micro, Macro, and Star influencers are complementary: a skilful mix achieves stronger goals and specific advantages:

  • A niche and wider target audience.
  • Reach and brand awareness.
  • Spontaneous and professional UGC.

The campaign for the Ravensburger brand illustrates how the right choice and mix of influencers can be powerful. The brand selected four different types of influencers to reach multiple target audiences simultaneously: families, millennials, and Generation Z. This strengthened brand awareness among new target groups (Gen Z), and brand loyalty was reinforced.

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ROI Measurement Extends Beyond Engagement

The performance of influencer marketing goes beyond brand awareness, reach, or engagement. More and more brands rely on influencer marketing to improve sales impact, especially in the Retail sector.

Some external providers like Circana (formerly IRI) can provide increasingly detailed and realistic measurements to ensure a comprehensive assessment of campaigns. They have been able to reveal the actual impact on offline retail sales of over 100 nano and micro-influencer campaigns for various fast-moving consumer goods brands and their product categories across Europe in recent years. More than 50 campaigns achieved a median ROI of 3.92€. The Nestlé campaign with the Hépar brand generated an ROI of 4.07€ in the test region and 7.6€ nationally!

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Long-Term Partnerships Intensify Brand Halo Effect

Considering influencer marketing as a long-term lever is certainly a way to broaden the halo effect of its ROI. Choosing influencers, deepening collaborations, and increasing the number of activations with them throughout the year bring more benefits than a one-time project:

  • More efficiency: creating more touchpoints throughout the year for the same audience increases conversion chances.
  • More authenticity: as chosen influencers must reflect the brand’s values and mission, continuous collaboration throughout the year enhances authenticity and is more memorable for the audience.
  • Time savings: through stable partnerships, brands save time on research and selection.

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Communities Are an Essential Investment

Emotions play a significant role in brand choices, and a sense of belonging is crucial. Brands that have built a community of loyal consumers prove that:

  • It is easier to interact and build relationships with those who feel part of a community than with those who buy occasionally.
  • A sense of belonging to a community increases trust and loyalty to the brand.
  • Brands that build communities no longer have just consumers but also true brand ambassadors.

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Influencer marketing will be an essential marketing strategy in 2024, offering exciting opportunities for marketing professionals. With the lessons from the actions of the past year, invest in the best strategies for success!

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